Employer Details

Save the Dates for the Spring 2024 Career & Internship Fair Week

Tuesday, February 27
11 AM – 3 PM
Memorial Union Building

Wednesday, February 28
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and Business Fair
11 AM – 3 PM
Memorial Union Building

Each year, UNH Career & Professional Success holds Fall and Spring Career & Internship Fairs. 每次展会都有数百名学生和校友以及200多个组织参加. 所有专业和年级的本科生和研究生都会参加博览会. A full industry breakdown is available here.

The Spring 2024 UNH Career and Internship Fairs is now open for registration requests for our waitlist and sponsorship registrations. 候补名单的优先级是根据雇主的校园参与情况逐案确定的, industry needs, and student interests. Final waitlist determinations will be made by February 16, 2024.

Register Here

Plan ahead!

Interview Days during Spring 2024 Career & Internship Fair Week

Interested in participating? Click here

Employer Policy and Terms

UNH’s Career & Internship Fair 仅适用于 目前正在招聘 专业人员的组织(营利和非营利), career-related positions including full time and/or paid internship positions for students and alumni with an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree (or working towards one of those UNH degrees). The Career & 实习展不是为继续教育或研究生教育项目准备的. 如果招聘校内或兼职 职位,请将职位信息发至 Handshake.

In order to be approved to participate in UNH’s Career & 实习招聘会期间,雇主需在招聘会上发布至少一(1)个职位 Handshake available for students and/or alumni, in accordance with CaPS policies. Position(s) must be posted two (2) weeks prior to the date of the fair. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation of your fair registration.  A written notice will be sent to the registrant’s email address.

Employers will be assigned in alphabetical order.

Career and Professional Success reserves the right to deny any employer registration or participation in UNH’s Career & Internship Fair if the requirements above are not met. Career and Professional Success also has the sole and absolute right and discretion to discontinue recruiting privileges to any organization, for any reason in accordance with UNH policies. Please reach out to Employer Relations if you have any questions.

The University of New Hampshire is committed to creating an environment that values and supports diversity and inclusiveness across our campus communities. The University System prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or marital status. Organizations are responsible for the ethical and legal conduct of their representatives throughout the recruiting process, 并必须对授权代表所作的所有陈述承担责任. For more information on our policies, please see here.

Important Dates
Event Date Registration, Payment,
Schedule & Job Posting Deadline
Cancellation & Refund
Registration Start

Tuesday 2/27-
Wednesday 2/28






*Invite only registration priority deadline: January 10th; Waitlist review and registration: January 11th

Registration & Payment

Use these helpful walkthroughs and resources to guide you through registering and paying for our fair on Handshake.

Registration Fees

Standard Non-profit* Government




 Learn More

*501(c) 3,4,5 organizations

SPACE IS LIMITED; please sign up early to ensure your organization's spot!

Please see the Important Dates 注册,付款和职业安排截止日期部分 & Internship Fairs. 

1.  Use the registration link above.

2. Log into your Handshake account.

     i. If you do not have a Handshake account, please register here. 有关创建新的Handshake用户帐户的其他指导,请参阅: Getting Started with Handshake.

3. Once on the event page, 单击页面右上角的蓝色Register按钮开始注册表单.

4. Please fill out the registration form in its entirety.  信息将根据你对理想大学的回答与学生分享 & 报名表格内“寻找”栏下的主要招聘和职位信息. 如果这个表格没有正确填写,你就不能正确地向学生推销你的产品. Based on the registration form, 学生将能够研究和确定你的组织在职业生涯 & Internship Fair. Please note, 所有识别雇主的材料将在注册时匹配所要求的雇主名称.* If different from Handshake account name, please consider students' ability to locate the employer in Handshake.

     a. 有关报名表格上各栏目的详情,请参阅: Registering for a Fair.

5. Registrations are approved on a case-by-case basis. You will receive a confirmation email from Handshake with your invoice after your registration has been approved. Please add joinhandshake.到你的安全寄件人名单,以确保你没有错过任何重要的信息!

6. After your registration has been approved, you must log back into Handshake to submit payment and upload any job/internships your organization will be recruiting for at the event.  

*UNH CaPS reserves the right to adjust any marketing materials for employers to align with event and student needs.

Please see the Important Dates Section for the Payment and Refund Deadlines for Career & Internship Fairs. 

  •  To secure a booth, 所有付款应在您的特定活动的重要日期部分中确定的 日期之前到期. 如果在截止日期前未收到付款,您的展位 注册将被取消.
Payment Options
  • Registrations are approved on a case-by-case basis. Once you are approved, 您将收到一张带有付款链接的发票,可以通过信用卡支付或选择用支票支付.   
Credit Card Payments

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. 

  1. Navigate to your registration page by clicking 'PAY HERE' on the bottom of your invoice OR in Handshake by visiting the Career & Internship Fair home page > clicking on the green Registered button > and selecting View Registration from the dropdown menu.
  2. Click the green Pay Now button on the left-hand side of your fair registration, under the Payments sections.
  3. You will be redirected to a secure payment portal hosted by TouchNet, where you can enter your credit card information and submit your payment.
  4. 如果收到您的付款,您将收到一封来自Handshake的电子邮件确认*

*如果您没有及时收到付款确认电子邮件,请联系 employer.relations@softlawinternationale.net 核实您的付款已被处理,并获得收据,如果需要的话. If you are redirected to Handshake without a confirmation screen, 由于账单地址不正确,您的付款未被处理,很可能被拒绝.

Check Payments
  • Make the check payable to UNH Career and Professional Success
  • Mail your payment to:

ATTN: Employer Relations
UNH Career and Professional Success- Hood House 208
89 Main Street
Durham, NH 03824

  • Important请将支票邮寄到此特定地址,以确保它不会在校园的其他部门结束. (UNH has many administrative offices)
  • Failure to pay in a timely manner will result in revocation of on-campus and virtual recruitment privileges including Handshake events, interviews, tabling, and tours.

请参阅 重要日期 部分,了解职业生涯的付款和退款截止日期 & Internship Fairs. 

  • If you must cancel, please do so IN WRITING. 如果在展会的付款截止日期前要求全额退款. 
  • 在展会退款截止日期 之后,任何取消都需要全额付款.  
  • A registered representative who does not attend the Career & 实习交易会被视为不出席,并将负责任何未付的余额. Outstanding balances will not be credited toward any future UNH events. 
  • 在未支付的余额支付之前,您的组织将不被批准参加未来的联合国大学活动.   
  • Career and Professional Success will follow cancellation policies based on the University's curtailed operations protocol; refunds will only be extended if the event is cancelled.


NOTE: Though we are planning for this event to be in person on the Durham, NH campus, we reserve the right to adjust and change the event to a virtual program. If the decision is made to switch the event’s format to a virtual event, you will be notified as soon as possible via email from employer.relations@softlawinternationale.net, on the softlawinternationale.net/career Homepage, and in Handshake.

Day of Logistics


February 27 - February 28, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Memorial Union Building


如果您注册了我们的某个活动,但没有收到我们的任何信息, please reach out to employer.relations@softlawinternationale.net.


The UNH Career & 实习展将继续对你的所有材料实行“携带-携带”政策. We will not be accepting shipments of booths, displays, or marketing items in advance of the fair, 我们也不会负责运送任何项目为组织在展会后. 你所带的东西需要随你的车来,并在活动结束时随你的车离开.


The University of New Hampshire is platinum sustainability rated from STARS (the highest possible under the AASHE’s rating system) is committed to sustainability in all forms of our operations. We kindly ask you to refrain 不要带不必要的礼品、赠品和讲义到UNH Career & Internship Fair. Students respond positively to other incentives, such as raffles, charity donations, and less material items.

Sustainable Fair Strategies
  • 使用数字平板设备或单个注册表收集学生信息以进行数字跟踪
  • 如果你打算提供更多的信息,可以考虑发一些带有永利app新版本官网地址的名片
  • 使用握手雇主摊位签到代码收集学生信息并提供抽奖活动
What Not to Bring
  • Items that contain excessive packaging/plastic/waste
  • Low-quality items and giveaways that do not serve a reusable purpose
  • Paper handouts and marketing materials
  • Large items or large amounts of swag- we’re practicing a carry in-carry out policy with all of your materials (we will not be accepting or shipping any items in or out for organizations)
  • 请计划到达时间:上午9:00至10:00(请不要早于上午9:00到达,因为场地不开放)
  • 展会时间为上午11点至下午3点(上午11点为学生开门)

Please note you must carpool, parking at the university is VERY limited! 

  • Parking will be located in  will be located in our Campus Crossing Lot (Formerly Mill Road Lot). GPS Instructions: 8 Mill Rd, Durham, NH 03824
  • Overflow parking will be located in D-Lot (the Elliot Alumni Center). GPS Instructions: 9 Edgewood Rd, Durham, NH 03824
  • You will receive a parking pass upon arrival into the lot. Please display parking pass, otherwise you could be ticketed.
  • 下面是从指定停车场到惠特莫尔中心体育馆的详细路线地图. Campus buses are available to shuttle from each parking lot. 公共汽车站和公共汽车将标明停车场和招聘会站点.
  • If any of your representatives need accommodations, please email CaPS at employer.relations@softlawinternationale.net.

Career Fair Parking and Walking Instructions

  • The MUB has a WiFi hotspot. You will be given additional information about access upon arrival.
    • Please be aware the wifi provided is a public domain.
  • Unfortunately there is no way to run electricity to booths

    如果永利app新版本官网地址在职业生涯的那天减少了运营 & Internship Fair, the events will be rescheduled to the following week. Career & 如果发生这种情况,Professional Success将联系所有组织和参与者以共享更多信息. 

    Additional FAQs

    What happens if I'm running late?

    Please contact employer.relations@softlawinternationale.net if you are encountering delays that will prevent you from attending. 

    What types of students will I be meeting?

    所有专业的本科生和研究生都将参加博览会, this includes the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, College of Health and Human Services, College of Liberal Arts, College of Life Sciences & 农业学院、保罗经济经济学院和职业研究学院.

    Why is my company name show up the way it does?

    公司名称是根据从Handshake提交的注册表列出的. Edits may be made for accessibility purposes.